DeGroote School of Business

Welcome to your DeGroote MBA experience

The MBA that puts you first

As an MBA student at DeGroote, you will be the agent of transformation in the years ahead, disrupting how we do business and significantly expanding DeGroote’s contributions to Canadian society. With an emphasis on collaboration, experiential learning opportunities, and fostering a vibrant sense of community, the DeGroote School of Business will prepare you for a future in an ever evolving business landscape.

This website is your source for the most up-to-date information on being a student in DeGroote’s MBA program.
You will find the policies, course information, dates and deadlines, exchange, exam schedules and much more in this website. All of the materials on this website are maintained and updated by the Student Experience Academic (MBA) team.

Thank you for choosing DeGroote’s MBA program and we look forward to helping you through your academic journey.

Student News

Helpful Links


We’ve put together a list of common questions and answers.

Course Schedule

See when different courses are offered during the school year.

Dates & Deadlines

The official MBA program sessional dates for the academic year.

MBA News

MBA Events

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Need Help?

Need assistance with registration or other academic issues? Visit our help page to see answers to frequently asked questions or to get in touch with a member of our team.

Contact Us
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