DeGroote School of Business


At DeGroote, we believe that student success goes hand in hand with personal wellbeing.

We are committed to creating a supportive environment that prioritizes your mental, physical and emotional health throughout your MBA journey. Whether you’re navigating academic challenges, adjusting to a new routine, or looking for ways to stay balanced, these resources are here to support you every step of the way.

COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team)

COAST offers 24/7 crisis support via phone for individuals in emotional distress.

  • Contact Numbers:
    • Hamilton: 905-972-8338
    • Niagara: 1-866-550-5205
    • Halton: 1-877-825-9011
  • If all lines are busy, leave a brief message, and you will typically receive a callback within 10 minutes.

Distress Centre Halton

Distress Centre Halton provides telephone and online support to individuals in need, operating 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Contact Numbers:
    • Halton/Milton: 905-877-1211
    • Hamilton: 905-561-5800
    • Burlington: 905-681-1488
    • Oakville: 905-849-4541

Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition

Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition provides suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention services for individuals in crisis.

  • How to Access: Visit their website for services.

Private Matters Psychotherapy (PMP) (RJC)

Private Matters Psychotherapy provides individual and group counselling services for all MBA students, including Full-Time MBA, Full-Time Co-op, Blended Learning Part-Time MBA, Full-Time and Part-Time Accelerated Students. DeGroote MBA Students will have access to 5 no-cost counselling sessions per academic year. After these initial sessions, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) insurance can further subsidize additional appointments.

  • Availability: Weekdays from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., and weekends by appointment.
  • How to Access:
    • Book an appointment directly using this link.
      • Scroll down and select “DeGroote MBA Students Only”
    • Call 905-681-7359.
    • Email

MBA Student Experience Office (RJC)

The Student Experience team are made up of staff experts committed to helping you succeed in the program, both academically and professionally. The team delivers programming and support from admissions and registration through to job searching and career development. 

They also offer support in managing stress, navigating academic challenges, addressing anxiety, and connecting students to additional campus resources tailored to your individual needs.

  • Availability: Weekdays from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • How to Access:


GOOD2TALK is a free mental health service for post-secondary students in Ontario, available 24/7/365.

  • Contact: Call 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868.


Thrive offers free walk-in counselling services to Halton residents wishing to access a focused conversation to address an issue of concern. Single-session counselling can provide you with emotional support, feedback and ideas on how to make positive changes in your life.

  • When: Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: 777 Guelph Line, Suite 20, Burlington Centre
    • Additional locations: Oakville, Milton, and Georgetown

MBA Student Experience Office (RJC)

The Student Experience team are made up of staff experts committed to helping you succeed in the program, both academically and professionally. The team delivers programming and support from admissions and registration through to job searching and career development. 

They also offer support in managing stress, navigating academic challenges, addressing anxiety, and connecting students to additional campus resources tailored to your individual needs.

  • Availability: Weekdays from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • How to Access:

MBAA Student Wellness Ambassador (RJC)

The MBA Student Wellness Ambassador is a peer within the MBA program who can provide support in navigating support services, organizing wellness-related events and/or providing a space to chat. As a fellow student in the program, they understand student needs through the academic journey.

Follow @degrootembawellness on Instagram to get connected and learn about Wellness at the RJC.

McMaster Equity and Inclusion Office (Main Campus)

The McMaster Equity and Inclusion Office is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable environment for all students.

  • Services Offered:
    • Guidance on equity and inclusion issues.
    • Support for navigating challenges related to discrimination, harassment, and accessibility.
    • Workshops, events, and resources promoting diversity and inclusion on campus.
  • How to Access: Visit their website for more information and to explore available resources.

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) (Main Campus and RJC)

Student Accessibility Services provides academic accommodations and related supports for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to learning.

  • Services Offered: Exam accommodations, assistive technology, note-taking services, and more.
  • How to Access:
    • Visit the SAS website and complete the intake form.
    • In-person at Student Centre (MUSC), Room B101
    • Call 605-525-9140 ext. 2865
    • Email:

Whereas Student Accessibility Services (SAS), on Main Campus, determines all MBA student accommodations, the MBA Program Office manages the coordination of accommodations for tests, midterms, and exams at the Ron Joyce Centre in Burlington.

McMaster Equity and Inclusion Office (Main Campus)

The McMaster Equity and Inclusion Office is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable environment for all students.

  • Services Offered:
    • Guidance on equity and inclusion issues.
    • Support for navigating challenges related to discrimination, harassment, and accessibility.
    • Workshops, events, and resources promoting diversity and inclusion on campus.
  • How to Access: Visit their website for more information and to explore available resources.

RJC Nursing Room

The Ron Joyce Centre provides a private, well-lit space for individuals to breastfeed, bottle-feed, or express milk.

Interfaith Centre (RJC)

The Paul & Sally Bates Interfaith Centre is a space for meditation, prayer or quiet reflection. This space is sponsored by former dean Paul Bates and his wife Sally.

The room is open to all students, faculty and staff. Signage outside the door will indicate when the room is “available” and “occupied.” People who wish to use the room may enter when it is in use but are asked to do so quietly. An area for storage of personal items is available in the cabinet in the seating area adjacent to the Interfaith Centre.

  • Availability:
    • Monday – Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
    • Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    • Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • How to Access:

Chaplaincy Centre (All Faiths) (Main Campus)

McMaster Chaplaincy Centre offers spiritual and emotional support for students of all faiths.

  • Location: MUSC 231 (McMaster University Student Centre)
  • Contact: 905-525-9140 ext. 24207

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) (Main Campus)

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office provides supportive and confidential care for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or domestic violence.

  • How to Access:
    • In person at University Hall, Room 104
    • Call 905-525-9140 ext. 20909
    • Email

MBAA Student Wellness Ambassador (RJC)

The MBA Student Wellness Ambassador is a peer within the MBA program who can provide support in navigating support services, organizing wellness-related events and/or providing a space to chat. As a fellow student in the program, they understand student needs through the academic journey.

Follow @degrootembawellness on Instagram to get connected and learn about Wellness at the RJC.

MBA Student Experience Office (RJC)

The Student Experience team are made up of staff experts committed to helping you succeed in the program, both academically and professionally. The team delivers programming and support from admissions and registration through to job searching and career development. 

They also offer support in managing stress, navigating academic challenges, addressing anxiety, and connecting students to additional campus resources tailored to your individual needs.

  • Availability: Weekdays from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • How to Access: